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Terms of Service

 Please read these Terms and Conditions and agree to the content before using the Service.

These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of UK.

Epworth House, 25 City Road, London, England, EC1Y 1AA (This is not a returning address)
Company Number: 12631715

Article 1 Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions, terms have the following meanings
The term "the Service" refers to the online sale of products, the posting of information on products for sale, the posting of information on the provision of services, systems with functions for the provision of services, etc., and refers to the website operated by the Company on the Internet in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
The term "User" collectively refers to any person who, having understood and accepted all the terms of this Agreement, searches for, views, purchases or otherwise uses the products, images, text, designs, logos, videos, programs, ideas, information , etc. (the "Content") provided by the Company on the Service, and includes "Members" as defined in the following section.
"Member" means a person who, having understood and accepted all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, has applied for membership registration in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company and has been approved by the Company.
'Account' means an account that contains the information required when registering personal information when using the Service.
'Computer system' ('system') refers to the hardware, software, operating system, browser, e-mail, internet line, telephone line, telecommunications equipment, etc. required by the Company to provide the Service.
Article 2 Applicants to these Terms and Conditions
The User shall use the Service in accordance with the Terms of Use, the User Guide (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") and the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms"), which are separately stipulated by the Company.
The Bylaws and the Rules form part of the Terms and Conditions.
If the provisions of the Terms of Use and the Rules differ from the provisions of the Terms of Use, the provisions of the Terms of Use shall take precedence over the Rules of Use.
In addition, use of the Service shall be deemed to constitute the user's agreement to these Terms and Conditions.
Article 3 Scope of application of these Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the provision of the Services and to the users defined in Article 1 with regard to the use of the Services.
Article 4 Additions and changes to these Terms and Conditions
The Company may add to or change these Terms and Conditions without the prior consent of the User.
In this case, the terms and conditions of use of the Services shall be based on the Terms and Conditions after modification.
Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the amended Terms and Conditions shall come into effect from the time they are displayed on the Services or reflected in the Terms and Conditions and notified.
The individual provisions that are separately indicated on the Services or stipulated by the Company in other ways, as well as the additional provisions that the Company provides to the user, constitute part of the Terms and Conditions.
If the Terms and Conditions differ from the individual and additional provisions, the individual and additional provisions shall take precedence.
Article 5: Interruption, suspension, additions and changes to the service content
The Company may, at its own discretion, interrupt, suspend, add to or change part or all of the Service without prior notice to or consent from the User in any of the following cases
When maintenance, inspection or updating of the equipment and systems for the Service is carried out on a regular or urgent basis.
When the provision of the Service is difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, fire, lightning, power outages, heavy rain, floods, heavy snowfall or other natural disasters or natural calamities.
If the provision of the Services is difficult due to force majeure, such as war, civil war, terrorism, riot, civil commotion, disturbance, revolution, endemic, epidemic, pandemic, other man-made disasters or social unrest.
If the operation of the system becomes difficult due to system failure and unauthorized access from third parties, computer virus infection, etc.
When requested by administrative or judicial authorities on reasonable grounds.
If the Company fails to receive appropriate service from the telephone company, transport company or provider with which it has a contract.
In any other case where the Company deems it difficult to provide the Service due to operational or technical reasons.
Article 6 Handling of personal information
When using the Services, the Company shall acquire, manage and handle information (including personal information) relating to the User in accordance with these Regulations, which are separately stipulated by the Company.
Article 7 Intellectual property rights
All copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the content provided by the Service shall belong exclusively to the Company and the content providers.
Users shall not perform any acts that infringe on the copyrights and other intellectual property rights and other rights of the Content provided by the Service.
The content provided by the service may not be used, reproduced, published or sold in any way beyond the scope of the user's personal use as stipulated by the Copyright Act, without the consent of the rights holder.
The Company shall be free to use all or part of the contents provided by the Service.
The Company may delete or amend information and content posted, posted or transmitted by users through the Services.
The Company shall immediately take legal action if it discovers any unauthorized reproduction, unauthorized reprinting or unauthorised secondary use of the contents by users or third parties for any purpose, or any other acts prohibited by domestic or foreign laws and regulations, including copyright laws.
Article 8 Exclusion of anti-social forces
Users shall guarantee that they do not fall into the category of anti-social forces as defined in Article 1 in the past, at present and in the future.
Through the Service, the User shall not engage in violent, fraudulent, threatening or obstructive acts, or any other acts in conflict with laws and regulations, or any acts that could lead to such acts.
Users shall not use the Service for the provision of benefits or other acts of cooperation with anti-social forces.

Article 9 Prohibited acts

In using the Services, Users shall not engage in any of the following acts ("Prohibited Acts").
Acts of unauthorized access to, collection, accumulation, storage, alteration, transmission, posting, destruction or deletion of the Company, the User's personal information and data stored on the computer using the Service, or attempts to do any of these acts.
Acts of unauthorized access to other computers, systems or networks connected to the Services, or attempts to do any of these acts.
Acts of analyzing the Service by means of decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering, etc., or acts of falsifying, modifying, reproducing or making secondary use of the Service.
Acts that burden the server beyond the scope of normal use, or attempts to do so.
Acts that make unauthorized use of bugs, system malfunctions, etc. of the Service.
Acts of using cheat tools, bots or other illegal tools for the purpose of gaining information, illegal profits, etc. from the Service.
Acts of transmitting computer viruses, computer code, files, programs, etc. that interfere with, destroy or limit the Company's system functions.
Acts of using the Services by fraudulently using a credit card.
Acts that obstruct or may obstruct the operation, management or provision of the Company and the Services.
Acts of using the Service in a manner other than that specified by the Service or for a purpose not intended by the Company.
Acts of impersonating the Company, the User, other real third parties or fictitious persons, and acts of using the Services by means of impersonation.
Posting, publishing, providing or transmitting to the Company, Users or third parties false facts, information offensive to public order and morals, information that may cause misunderstanding or confusion, or content that may lead to such information.
Acts of using the Services, in whole or in part, for sales, advertising, solicitation or other commercial purposes without the Company's approval, and acts of using the Services in preparatory activities for such purposes.
Acts of linking to websites or resources other than those operated by the Company in the Services without the Company's prior consent.
Act of purchasing a product under the pretence of having the capacity to perform a valid legal act, having no resources or financial capacity to pay for the product, or having no real intention of purchasing the product, except in cases where the capacity has been kept with the consent of a legal representative.
Repeatedly asking similar questions or enquiries to the Company or the Service.
Actions that lead to or may lead to criminal acts.
Acts that mentally, physically or economically damage, infringe, damage or restrict the property, credit, honor, privacy, intellectual property rights or other rights of the Company, users or third parties, or acts that may cause annoyance or discomfort.
Acts that violate public order and morals, court judgments, decisions, orders or legally binding administrative measures, or acts that may lead to such acts.
Acts that induce, induce, abet, aid, encourage or advance the commission of acts in breach of laws and regulations.
Acts that hinder the investigation of acts in breach of laws and regulations.
Actions that violate the terms of use of various social network services or laws and regulations.
Acts aimed at sexual or obscene acts.
Actions aimed at meeting or dating an unspecified number of people of the opposite sex who are not acquainted with each other.
Acts that may cause disputes with other users or third parties.
Actions where the user registers for membership more than once and creates multiple accounts.
Actions where the user registers false or misleading information when registering as a member.
Acts where the user illegally uses the account of the Company, another user or a third party.
Actions where the user lends, transfers, sells, trades, pledges, changes the name of, or allows another user or third party to use the account.
Acts by which the user transfers, trades, loans or allows other users or third parties to use the points or coupons distributed by the Company, whether with or without compensation.
Election campaigning, proselytising or similar activities, and any other acts related to politics and religion.
Acts that threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of the State.
Acts that threaten friendly relations or order with other countries.
Discriminatory, threatening, violent, vulgar, defamatory or any other offensive language or behavior based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status or family origin.
Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate from a socially accepted point of view.
Acts similar to the preceding items and acts that may fall under any of the preceding items.
The Company may check information and content posted, posted or transmitted by users in order to confirm the existence of prohibited acts.

Article 10 Measures against violators of the Terms of Use
In any of the following cases, our company can take measures that we deem necessary and appropriate without prior notice or approval from the user.
If we determine that the user has committed a prohibited act.
If we determine that the user is using the Service in breach of these Terms and Conditions.
We will take the following measures
Cautions and warnings to users.
Deletion or correction of information or content posted, transmitted or submitted by the user.
Suspension of the user's use of all or part of the Service.
Cancellation or deletion of the user's membership (account).
Deprivation of points or coupons earned by the user.
Any other measures deemed necessary or appropriate by the Company.
The Company shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such measures.

The Company does not accept any questions or complaints regarding such measures.

The Company is not obliged to prevent or rectify prohibited acts or other violations by users.

Article 11 Disclaimer
The Company pays careful attention to the information, content, etc. posted and transmitted by the Service, but does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy, legality, validity, certainty, safety, up-to-dateness or completeness of the content .
The Company shall not be liable for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage suffered by users or third parties as a result of the provision, delay, interruption, suspension, change or addition of the Service, irrespective of the cause of legal claim, the Company's fault or any other reason.
The Company shall also assume no liability for sites other than the Service.
The Company shall assume no liability for compensation for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage caused by or in connection with information, content, advertising, products, services, etc. on the Service.
The Company shall assume no responsibility for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage suffered by users or third parties caused by the outflow or loss of information, etc. provided by the user. (The handling of personal information registered through the Service shall be in in accordance with these Regulations, which are set out separately.)
The user shall bear the costs related to the installation of computer and communication equipment, etc. necessary for the user to use the Service, as well as telephone charges, internet usage fees, application fees, etc. required for the use of the Service.
In the event of any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage to the Company, the user or any third party arising from a breach of these Terms and Conditions in each paragraph, the offending party shall be liable to compensate for all such losses or damage.
If a dispute arises regarding intellectual property rights, such as copyright, in violation of these Terms and Conditions in each section, the offender shall be responsible for resolving the issue at his/her own expense and responsibility, and shall not cause any inconvenience, disadvantage , loss or damage to the Company.
Members shall compensate the Company for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage incurred.
If any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage occurs to the user as a result of additions, changes, etc. to these Terms and Conditions, the Company shall not be liable for any such inconvenience, disadvantage, loss or damage.
In the event that the Company is obliged to notify the user, it shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation by notifying the user by e-mail address, fax, other written form or orally, etc., which the user has registered in advance .
If a user causes nuisance, disadvantage, loss or damage to the Company due to an act in breach of these Terms and Conditions, a fraudulent act or an illegal act, the Company shall be entitled to claim commensurate compensation for damages from the user concerned.
The Company shall be exempted from liability when changing a user's password or other information by confirming the identity of the user in the manner prescribed by the Company.
With regard to the delivery of products, we shall be deemed to have fulfilled our obligations by arranging for the delivery of products to the delivery address indicated by the user at the time of purchase of the product.

Before using this service, please be sure to read these terms and conditions and agree to their contents.

Article 1 Definitions

In these Terms, terms are used with the following meanings.

  1. "This Service" refers to online product sales, posting of information about the products being sold, posting of information on the provision of services, and systems that have the function of providing services, which the Company operates on the Internet based on these Terms. refers to the site where
  2. "User" means products, images, text, designs, logos, videos, programs, ideas, information, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "content") provided by the Company through this service after understanding and approving all of the contents of these Terms. ) is a general term for those who search, browse, purchase, etc., and includes "members" as defined in the next section.
  3. "Member" refers to a person who has understood and approved all of the contents of these Terms, has applied for membership registration according to the procedures prescribed by the Company, and has been approved by the Company.
  4. "Account" refers to an account that contains information necessary for registering personal information when using the Service.
  5. "Computer system" (hereinafter referred to as "system") refers to the hardware, software, OS, browser, e-mail, internet line, telephone line, communication equipment, etc. necessary for our company to provide this service.

Article 2 Applicants to these Terms

Users shall use this service in accordance with these Terms, the usage guide (hereinafter referred to as the "Usage Rules"), and the privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") separately established by the Company.
The Terms of Use and these regulations form part of these Terms.
If the Terms of Use and the provisions of these Terms of Use differ from the provisions of these Terms of Use, the provisions of these Terms of Use shall take precedence.
Furthermore, if you use this service, you will be deemed to have agreed to these terms.

Article 3 Scope of application of these Terms

These Terms shall apply to the users defined in Article 1 regarding the provision and use of the Service.

Article 4 Additions and changes to these Terms

Our company may add to or change these Terms without obtaining prior consent from users.
In this case, the terms of use of this service shall be based on the revised terms.
Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised Terms of Use will become effective from the time they are displayed on the Service or reflected in the Terms of Use and announced.
Individual provisions that the Company separately displays on the Service or stipulates by other methods, and additional provisions that the Company provides to the users constitute a part of these Terms.
If these Terms and the individual provisions and additional provisions differ, the individual provisions and additional provisions shall take precedence.

Article 5 Interruption, suspension, addition, and change of service content

If any of the following apply, the Company may, at its sole discretion, suspend, suspend, add to, or change part or all of the Service without prior notice to the user or obtaining consent. there is.

  1. When regularly or urgently performing maintenance, inspection, or updating of equipment and systems for this service.
  2. If it is difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, power outages, heavy rain, floods, heavy snow, other natural disasters, or natural disasters.
  3. If it is difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as war, civil war, terrorism, riot, commotion, disturbance, revolution, endemic, epidemic, pandemic, other man-made disasters, social unrest, etc.
  4. If system operation becomes difficult due to system failure, unauthorized access from a third party, computer virus infection, etc.
  5. When requested by an administrative agency or judicial agency based on reasonable grounds.
  6. If we are unable to receive appropriate service from the telephone company, transportation company, or provider with which we have a contract.
  7. In addition, if the Company determines that it is difficult to provide the Service due to operational or technical reasons.

Article 6 Handling of personal information

When using this service, our company will comply with these regulations separately established by our company regarding the acquisition, management, and handling of information (including personal information) regarding users.

Article 7 Intellectual property rights

  1. All copyrights and other intellectual property rights of the content provided through this service belong exclusively to the Company and the content provider.
  2. Users shall not engage in any act that infringes on the copyright or other intellectual property rights of the content provided through this service.
  3. The content provided by this service may not be used, reproduced, published, or sold in any way beyond the scope of personal use of the user as stipulated by copyright law without the consent of the right holder. you can't.
  4. Our company may freely use all or part of the content provided by this service.
  5. Our company may delete or modify information and content posted, posted, or transmitted by users through this service.
  6. Regardless of the purpose, the Company will discover any unauthorized copying, reproduction, or secondary use of content by users or third parties, or any other acts prohibited by laws and regulations, including domestic and foreign copyright laws. If this occurs, legal action will be taken immediately.

Article 8 Elimination of anti-social forces

Users guarantee that they do not fall under any anti-social forces defined in Article 1 in the past, present, or future.
Through this service, you will not engage in any acts that violate laws or regulations, such as violent acts, fraudulent acts, threatening acts, acts that obstruct business, or any acts that may be likely to do so.
Users shall not use this service for providing benefits to anti-social forces or for any other cooperative activities.

Article 9 Prohibited acts

Users shall not engage in the following acts (hereinafter referred to as "prohibited acts") when using this service.

  1. Unauthorized access to, collection, storage, storage, falsification, transmission, posting, destruction, or deletion of personal information of our company, users, or data stored on computers using this service, or attempts to perform any of these acts. The act of doing so.
  2. Acts of unauthorized access to other computers, systems, or networks connected to this service, or acts of attempting to do so.
  3. Acts of analyzing this service by methods such as decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering, or acts of altering, modifying, copying, or making secondary use of this service.
  4. Acts that place a burden on the server beyond the scope of normal use, or acts that attempt to do these acts.
  5. Acts of illegally exploiting bugs in the Service, system defects, etc.
  6. Acts of using cheat tools, bots, or other illegal tools for the purpose of obtaining information about the Service or illegal profits.
  7. Acts of transmitting computer viruses, computer codes, files, programs, etc. that interfere with, destroy, or limit the functionality of our system.
  8. Acts of using this service by fraudulently using a credit card.
  9. Acts that interfere with the operation, management, or provision of our company and this service, or acts that may pose such a threat.
  10. Acts of using the Service in a manner other than that specified by the Service or for purposes not intended by the Company.
  11. Acts of impersonating the Company, users, other real third parties, or fictitious persons, and acts of using the Service through impersonation.
  12. Acts of posting, posting, providing, or transmitting false facts, information that violates public order and morals, information that causes misunderstanding, or confusion, or content that is likely to be false to the Company, users, or third parties.
  13. Acts of using the Service for sales, promotion, advertising, solicitation, or other commercial purposes, or for preparatory activities, in whole or in part, without the approval of the Company.
  14. Acts of posting links to websites or resources other than those operated by the Company in this Service without the prior consent of the Company.
  15. Unless the capacity is preserved with the consent of a legal representative, the person does not have the capacity to perform a valid legal act, does not have the means or financial strength to pay for the product, or does not have the genuine intention to purchase the product. The act of purchasing disguised products.
  16. Repeatedly asking similar questions or inquiries to our company or this service.
  17. Acts that may lead to or may lead to criminal acts.
  18. Acts that mentally, physically, or economically damage, infringe, damage, or restrict the property, trust, honor, privacy, intellectual property rights, or other rights of the Company, users, or third parties, or cause inconvenience or discomfort. Actions that may cause you to remember.
  19. Acts that violate public order and morals, acts that violate court judgments, decisions, orders, legally binding administrative measures, or acts that are likely to violate them.
  20. Acts that induce, induce, abet, aid, encourage, or forewarn the execution of acts that violate laws and regulations.
  21. Acts that obstruct the investigation of acts that violate laws and regulations.
  22. Acts that violate the terms of use of various social network services or laws and regulations.
  23. Acts aimed at sexual acts or obscene acts.
  24. Acts where the purpose is to meet or socialize with an unspecified number of people of the opposite sex who are not acquainted.
  25. Actions that may cause disputes with other users or third parties.
  26. The act of a user registering as a member multiple times and creating multiple accounts.
  27. The act of a user registering false or misleading information when registering as a member.
  28. Acts where a user uses the account of the Company, other users, or a third party illegally.
  29. Acts in which a user lends, transfers, buys and sells, pledges, changes name, or allows other users or third parties to use their account.
  30. Acts where a user transfers, buys, sells, lends, or allows other users or third parties to use points or coupons distributed by the Company, whether for a fee or free of charge.
  31. Election activities, missionary activities, or similar acts, or any other acts related to politics or religion.
  32. Acts that threaten national unity, integrity, security, or sovereignty.
  33. Acts that threaten friendly relations or order with foreign countries.
  34. Acts that are discriminatory, threatening, violent, vulgar, defamatory, or any other offensive behavior based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, family origin, etc.
  35. Any other acts that our company deems inappropriate based on social norms.
  36. Acts similar to the preceding items, and acts that may fall under the preceding items.

*The Company may check information and content posted, posted, or transmitted by users in order to confirm the presence or absence of prohibited acts.

Article 10 Measures against violators of Terms of Use

If any of the following apply, the Company may take measures that the Company deems necessary and appropriate without prior notice or approval from the User.

  1. If the Company determines that the User has committed a prohibited act.
  2. If the Company determines that the User is using the Service in violation of these Terms.

We will take the measures specified below.

  1. Cautions and warnings to users.
  2. Deleting or modifying information or content posted, transmitted, or posted by users.
  3. Suspension of the User's use of all or part of the Service.
  4. Cancellation or deletion of a user's membership (account).
  5. Deprivation of points or coupons earned by users.
  6. Other measures that the Company deems necessary or appropriate.

*Our company assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by such measures.

*We do not accept any questions or complaints regarding this measure.

*The Company is not obligated to prevent or correct prohibited acts or other violations by users.

Article 11 Disclaimer

  1. The Company pays close attention to the information and content posted and transmitted on this service, but the accuracy, legality, validity, certainty, safety, up-to-dateness, and completeness of the content. We make no guarantees and assume no responsibility for.
  2. The Company shall not be responsible for any legal claims, liability, etc. for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, or damage incurred by users or third parties due to the provision, delay, suspension, suspension, change, addition, etc. of this Service. We shall not be held responsible for any reason whatsoever.
  3. Our company does not assume any responsibility for sites other than this service.
  4. The Company shall not be liable for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, or damage arising from or related to the information, content, advertisements, products, services, etc. of this Service.
  5. The Company shall not be responsible for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, or damage incurred by the User or a third party due to the leakage or disappearance of information provided by the User. . (The handling of personal information registered through this service will be in accordance with the separately established regulations.)
  6. The cost of installing computer equipment and communication equipment necessary for the user to use this service, telephone charges, internet usage fees, etc. required for using this service, application fees, etc. are the responsibility of the user. The cost shall be borne by the person himself/herself.
  7. If any violation of these terms and conditions in each section causes inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, or damage to the Company, users, or third parties, the violator shall be responsible for compensating for all such damages.
  8. In the event that a dispute regarding intellectual property rights such as copyright arises due to violation of these terms and conditions in each section, the violator shall, at his or her own expense and responsibility, resolve the issue and cause no inconvenience or disadvantage to the Company. shall not cause any loss or damage.
  9. In the event that the Company incurs any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, damage, etc., the Member shall compensate for all such damage, etc.
  10. The Company shall not be held responsible for any inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, or damage caused to users due to additions or changes to these Terms.
  11. If the Company has a duty to notify the User, the Company shall fulfill that duty by notifying the User via the e-mail address registered in advance, by fax, other written form, orally. .
  12. If a user causes inconvenience, disadvantage, loss, or damage to the Company due to an act that violates these Terms, a fraudulent act, or an illegal act, the Company may claim appropriate compensation for damages from the user. Masu.
  13. When changing a user's password, etc., the Company shall be exempted from liability by verifying the user's identity using a method prescribed by the Company.
  14. Regarding product delivery, we shall fulfill our obligations by arranging delivery of the product to the delivery address specified by the user when purchasing the product.

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